Random pictures
This is Cartman when he sleeps. He has a huge underbite so he likes to sleep with his toungue out. He is Tanya's baby and is super attached to her!
This is Nathan, Lindey's (Romanas sister) oldest son. She is now expecting another kid!!
Ice-Bucket and Cartman sleeping next to each other.
This is my good friend Brel. We were bored in class so i made him a bowtie! People said that we could be brother and sister because we both are blond, tall and kinda thin haha. But unfortunately we cant fool anyone since he cant speak with my accent and i can't speak without...
This is my senior picture that will be in the year book!
They can't spell my name right :( Everyone spell it wrong!!!!!!!!!
Desiree and me when we went shopping together. She is an exchange student from Germany. I know that people say that exchange student shouldn't just be friends with each other. But it have helped me so many times to be friends with her and have someone to talk to. She understands everything im going through and is a really good friend!
This is Lindey's 2 year old son Bradley. He fell asleep in my arms and almost started crying when i tried to move him. He is so cute!
This is my new puppy!!!! Okay, not really mine but almost. It's Jesse's puppy but he says that she's mine too!! Her name is Abby and she was 5 weeks old when we went and got her. I think she is around 6 weeks now almost. She is sooooo tiny and cute. These pictures (except the first one) is from the first day we got her. She is a happy little puppy.
Sorry I havent written a lot lately but i really didn't feel like it.
Yesterday I went snowboarding with Romana's brother, Drew! It was so much fun. We went for a couple of hours yesterday and now my whole body hurts! Yesterday was also a snow day, and that means that it's too much snow for some people to be able to come to school so they close.
Last sathuday i went with some friends to a snowmobile race up in the UP. We could see Canada for where it was but unfortunately we couldnt go there to visit. It was around 3 degrees F which is -16 in celcius. I was soooo cold! And no we didnt compete in the race. We just watched others! The picture is of me and romana at her dads house when i got to ride behind romana.
Last tuesday was my birthday! I'm 18 years old now! Woop wooop! I got so many cute emails and letters from everyone! Thank you very much for that!
Mum and dad made me this!!!!! <3
Romana did this for me for my birthday!!
Me and Bethany (and Justin in the backround with glases, and Molly eating hotdog)
Bethany sleeping on our day there (3 hour drive)