R.I.P. Skittles

I'm sorry my dear parents who's probably reading this. I changed class today. US history was really hard for me and it was really hard to understand the words in the book. Astronomy and earth science is pretty hard too and I didn’t want to study all the time so I changed. The history teachers totally understood that I wanted to change and the said that the book was hard to understand even for the American students. So I had to choose a subject that was in third hour and the woman that takes care of the exchange students said that she thought that I should take a class that’s a bit more fun. So I choose cooking! Yaay! I know that you’re thinking “Yael, what the heck?!” But I can have US history in another trimester. In fact, I think I might have to take that class because of the exchange student program have some classes that you have to take. But I have time to go that class a bit later when it’s easier to read and speak.

Today one of the cats died! Skittles was her name and she was awesome. Now they only have 3 outdoors cats and one inside. She got hit by a car =( There is a lot of dead cats, squirrels, deer and other animals laying on the roads. I’ve never seen that many dead animals in my life. I’ve also never seen that many deer or squirrels (that are alive) like they have here. They’re everywhere!!! 

Kommentarer från er söta läsare.
» Mamma

För vår del ska du göra det som känns bäst och det är väl jätte bra att du lär dig amerikansk matlagning! :) Tråkigt med alla djuren, kör dom fort på gatan utanför did?

2012-09-14 // 06:22:08
» Maja

Åh gud vad kul med matlagning!! Skönt med lite "lättare ämne" också som omväxling kanske? :)
RIP Skittles <3

2012-09-14 // 23:20:42
» Lilli

gött med matlagning, varför finns inte det i sverige?! (hemkunskap räknas inte)
Du kommer bli awesome på mat och de e bara hoppas på att ni nån dag ska göra cupcakes så du kan glänsa lite ;) stackars skittles... kram <3

2012-09-16 // 20:40:17

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