ill miss this girl

miss this girl



Happy Birthday to the man who taught me right from wrong, the man who always helped me when I needed help and who always were there for me. You always make me laugh when you make weird jokes and when you say something wrong in Swedish. You know that we will always make fun of your Swedish but we only do it because we love you and you sound really funny! And besides, you can make fun of our English and Portuguese! 
You always suported me with every choice I made and I would never have gone to America if you didnt help me like you did. I will always love you, and I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!


BF = Best Friend
BF = Boyfriend
That is how it should be. You should be best friends with the person you are in a relationship with. Unfortunatley mine will soon be living around 6600 km away from me. Oh well...
People here are asking all the time when I'm moving here and when we are getting married.... DONT WORRY MUM AND DAD. WE ARE NOT.
Anyways, here is some pictures of one of my besties.
Standing next to a proud American.






I celebrated Easter with Tanya and her family last friday instead of sunday.
We ate food and talked just as we do in sweden. The food was a bit different but is was really good!!! 
I was playing a lot with Bradley, lindseys son. He is so cute and funny! He wanted me to run after him and if i got him i would tickle him (he is not even tickelish but it didnt matter haha). 
On Saturday Jesse and I went to his parents house and they showed me how to make maple syrup. I also rode a fourwheeler! AGAIN! I'm getting really good at that haha. 
After that I went to Tanya's mum to celebrate Easter again. It was nice.
Yesterday Jesse and I went in to town to have lunch with his parents. They are so wonderful and funny!
I ate fish and chips and it was soooo good. After that we went to eat ice cream (or just me) and then we went back to jesses house and played with abby and had a bonfire.

Miss her

spring hill camp

Spring hill was a camp for the girls that were playing soccer. Not all could come but about 22 showed up, both from jv and varsity.
At the camp we did zip-lining, sledding, group activities, painball (it hurt when you got hit!!!) And some meetings. At the camp there was a bunch of different girl teams but the activities we did alone. On the meeting the was a guy speaking about love and stuff and he was really good and really funny!! I had a lot of fun and I just wanted to write some about it while doing some slow spinning.
Haha I feel stupid for always taking it extremely slow but what ever.

Love you all!! Kisses

sorry for bad blogging

Haha, dont know if you can say "bad blogging" but what ever.
I just haven't had time lately but it's soon spring break so I can write more then. Im so sorry all my friends that I haven't written to you a lot but know that I miss you all and I think about you a lot!

School is going fine. Bethany graduated so I dont see her that often. we are soon going to bbuy prom dresses!

Ive started to play soccer finally! The varsity team is really really good!! So me and another new girl play both varsity and jv because there is more than enough players already. And we're new. After school romana wants to wotk out so I go to the gym too. Although I usually just walk or take it easy since I have a crazy hard work out later every day.

during the weekends I usually hang out with jesse. Yesterday the bus came super early to get me to practice so I were in school 50 min before. So I called him to talk while waiting. after a couple of minutes of talking I asked what he was doing and he said that he was on his way to hang out with me. He came to hang out for like 30 minutes! So great :)

Im pretty much used to the food now haha. It took a while. Im going to miss all the million different restaurants though.

Right now im walking on a running thing on the gym so I thought that I might as well write some things. Tomorrow if I walk at the gym ill tell you about oscars!!

Miss you all!!!!

Random pictures

This is Cartman when he sleeps. He has a huge underbite so he likes to sleep with his toungue out. He is Tanya's baby and is super attached to her!

This is Nathan, Lindey's (Romanas sister) oldest son. She is now expecting another kid!!

Ice-Bucket and Cartman sleeping next to each other.
This is my good friend Brel. We were bored in class so i made him a bowtie! People said that we could be brother and sister because we both are blond, tall and kinda thin haha. But unfortunately we cant fool anyone since he cant speak with my accent and i can't speak without...
This is my senior picture that will be in the year book!
They can't spell my name right :( Everyone spell it wrong!!!!!!!!!
Desiree and me when we went shopping together. She is an exchange student from Germany. I know that people say that exchange student shouldn't just be friends with each other. But it have helped me so many times to be friends with her and have someone to talk to. She understands everything im going through and is a really good friend!
This is Lindey's 2 year old son Bradley. He fell asleep in my arms and almost started crying when i tried to move him. He is so cute!


This is my new puppy!!!! Okay, not really mine but almost. It's Jesse's puppy but he says that she's mine too!! Her name is Abby and she was 5 weeks old when we went and got her. I think she is around 6 weeks now almost. She is sooooo tiny and cute. These pictures (except the first one) is from the first day we got her. She is a happy little puppy. 


Sorry I havent written a lot lately but i really didn't feel like it.
Yesterday I went snowboarding with Romana's brother, Drew! It was so much fun. We went for a couple of hours yesterday and now my whole body hurts! Yesterday was also a snow day, and that means that it's too much snow for some people to be able to come to school so they close. 
Last sathuday i went with some friends to a snowmobile race up in the UP. We could see Canada for where it was but unfortunately we couldnt go there to visit. It was around 3 degrees F which is -16 in celcius. I was soooo cold! And no we didnt compete in the race. We just watched others! The picture is of me and romana at her dads house when i got to ride behind romana.
Last tuesday was my birthday! I'm 18 years old now! Woop wooop! I got so many cute emails and letters from everyone! Thank you very much for that!
Mum and dad made me this!!!!! <3
Romana did this for me for my birthday!!
Me and Bethany (and Justin in the backround with glases, and Molly eating hotdog)

Bethany sleeping on our day there (3 hour drive)


thank you, mommy!

Swedish fish!

nightsky in michigan

yesterday night i looked up in the sky and it was full of stars. It was beyond beautiful and I didn't want to stop looking at it. The only thing I could think about was that I wish you were here so you could see the nightsky. their sunset and sunrise is beautiful and you can almost always see hundreds of stars.
I remember one time when you and me were on our way home and the clouds looked amazing. So you stopped the car at the side of the road just to look at them.
I really miss you so much! And your blog is awesome! Keep writing!

new classes

Now I have new classes and they are US history, business management, chemistry, child development and Spanish. But im going to try to switch from Spanish to something els because Spanish sucks.

Worlds best sister

Congratulations my wonderful little sister! I love you more than anything in the world and i hope that you're having a great day today and all the other days too ofc!
You have always been there for me and i'll always be here for you no matter what, even if i'm in a different part of the world. You have always been the little girl but now you're 16 years old!!! That's crazy to think of. The time really flyes by fast. Soon i'll be home again and then i'll be 18 and you'll soon turn 17! Can you believe that? Enough about that. Right now i'm just sitting and waiting to talk to you and i'm so exited! I miss you so much and i'm so proud of you. You are such a good person and you are so beautiful! I want you to know that even if i don't see or talk to you every day, I still think about you all the time. 
So happy bithday sis, I love you more than anything and anyone!


there's a sleeping kitten on my shoulder


Last weekend I was with friends most part. I Also went to a mall with Lindsey, Tanya and Romana. I did only buy a shirt but the others bought some stuff. It was fun and we ate at olive-garden which is a super good restaurant. 
Yesterday was halloween and some of the kids in our school was dressed up. I didn't even remember that it was halloween until i saw the people in school haha. After school I want to Bethany's house and played xbox games. It was so much fun. Later when Cody and Nick were out from work we went to their house and tried to play playstation while they're rebuilding two rooms upstairs. 
Oh, Romana found a kitten so we're going to keep him. He's name is Ice Bucket.
^ That's a t-shirt i "made". I put the text and thumb there. It says "You look funny doing that with your head"


My weekend have been super fun! I was with friends all weekend and has so much fun. The baby shower was very cute and fun too. I met some new friends and I just still love it here!

Betheny and me
Cody and me
Larissa and me


I've had like 5 different blogs and every time I start a new one I write a lot the first weeks and then I stop. That's whats going to happen (already did) with this blog too. I'll try to write sometimes at least.
It hasn't happen a lot lately so I don't really know what to write about right now. 
This weekend I'm going to a babyshower for Brian's (Lindseys husband) sister. She is having her first baby and it's a boy. I'm also going to Lindsey's halloween party! The theme is scary prom. So I have to find a dress to wear and then do scary makeup. I'm going to look on youtube for some scary styles. I really wish I had all my makeup here though... But i left it in sweden... 
I'll show you some videos if I find any! Bye

Sorry for not writing on my blog

I'm sorry for not writing much on my blog but I really don't feel like writing. I'll rather focus on my life and living it than writing about it. But for those of you who want to know, I can tell you that everything is fine. Life is getting better and better here and I get more and more friends. 
This weekend we went to a football game on friday, silver lake on saturday and on sunday we just rested and than me and romana went to cody's house. 
I just want to say to my mom and dad that I can't log in on my mail on my computer and that's is why I don't always answers your mails (and I'm lazy), and I hate writing on my phone. But I love reading your emails so keep on sending them!
I promise that I will write at least one long post a week! But not every day, that's too much.
This is a horse shoe that Dave put on a metall thing and painted it purple (it looks pink but it's purple) so that you can hang clothes on them. Romana asked me what my sisters favorit color was and I said that it was purple (because of JB <3) and she gave it to me to give to you, Sarah! You'll get it in about 9 months :D yaay!!! Haha, I'm going to use it until I go back to sweden if that's okay with you. Love you, worlds best sister <3
And I almost forgot to thank you guys for the nice comments on my homecoming pictures! THANK YOU!!!!

Pictures from homecoming



I know I have promised to write about stuff but I never feel like writing anymore. I come up with a bunch of stuff to tell you about but then when I’m about to write I just don’t want to take time and write about it.

And I really don’t want to sound mean to you (everybody reading my blog) but it would be so much easier for me if you wrote your questions in a comment. That way I see them right before I write.


I’m going to tell you about homecoming now.


I really don’t know why you have homecoming but it’s almost an entire week of stuff. I don’t remember if I told you about it but I’m going to tell you again if I did.

You are supposed to dress up every day to school, every day a different theme. Monday was decade-day (dress like they did in the 50s, 60s, 70s and so on), Tuesday was western-day, wacky-Wednesday (dress as weird as you can), Thursday was color wars (seniors wear black, juniors wear white, freshmen wear gold/yellow and sophomores wear blue (I think), Friday you were suppose to wear blue and gold/yellow (the colors of the school.


 Friday was one of the big days of spirit week. All the classes were shorter so that we would have tome for a “meeting” with the whole school. Everybody did performances. Like the cheerleading team had a performance, the orchestra had one, the dance group had one and so on. They also pronounced who the homecoming king and queen was. The whole “meeting” was so cool! All of the students were excited and happy.

After the meeting it was a parade for the school. The cross-country group was going in the parade and so was all the other groups too. Since romana is in the “horse riding” team she was in the parade. All the groups were throwing out candy to all the children and hungry teenagers who were looking. Bethany, her new boyfriend and me took a lot of candy and after the parade we split it up. Haha, I have a lot of candy now!

After that it was time for the football game. That was so much fun! We came after half of it and to be honest I barley watched the game at all. We mostly went around a talked to people and it was so much fun. A lot of people think it’s so cool with exchange students so they had so many questions. After a while Cody and Jordan came too so that was a lot of fun. Cody is so funny! When the game was over did Romana have to go to her horse show and sleep there with the horses so Dave was going to come and get me and take me home. Dave is Tanya’s boyfriend and he is really nice. Jordan and Cody were very kind and waited with me until Dave came.

The "meeting"

 Me and Hunter (a friend of Romana who wanted to take a picture with a swedish girl haha)

This is at the school "meeting". Betheny, me and Alicia
Me and Betheny (she had candy in her shirt)
Romana and me :D (and some guy that I don't know)

 On Saturday a girl came home to me and fixed my hair and make-up for the dance. Tanya drove me home to Desiree (an exchange student from Germany) there we waited for one more exchange student from Spain and we ate pizza together before the dance. I have friends from America too but a lot of them weren’t going for those who wonder. We went to the dance together and we met other friends there. When everyone had started to dance I can tell you that all the exchange students were chocked! We were chocked of the way they dance there. I’m not going to describe to you have they dance but one time the teachers stopped the music, turned the light on and told everyone that they were dancing inappropriate… Anyway, I had a lot of fun and I danced in my own way. 


This is Drew (Tanyas son), Lindsey (Tanyas daughter), me and Tanya before I was going to homecoming. I had already done my hair and make-up. More pictures of the dress and stuff I'll post tomorrow.




What is school compared to the Swedish school?

The school is very different. First of all don’t they have one group and then different subjects with that group. They have first one class that starts at 07:37 am. Then it’s is another class that starts later with a new group of people, like in high school movies. When the first two classes are over half of the school has lunch while the rest of the students have one more class. After that the switch. The lunch is also very different. There is a cafeteria where you eat food you brought to school or you can buy food. There is wraps to buy, pizza, cookies, ice cream, pasta and cheese and some other stuff. The wraps you get to decide what is going to be in them and which bread. They are really tasty I think. The lunch usually cost fewer than 4 dollars. There is also a school restaurant to buy food. They haven’t opened yet but they are opening on Tuesday next week. The restaurant is where I have my food service class. Right now we are learning how to make the food and when the open we get to make it. I don’t really know what you can buy there except for pizzas and wraps.


Have you visited the Amish people?

I haven’t gone to their house yet but I’ve talked to them. Perry is the name of one of them. He is a really good friend of the family I live in. His son is also a good friend but he left the Amish community to live like we do and therefore wont his family talk to him anymore. Perry tasted the chocolate from Sweden and loved it! 


Which subject to you have?

First hour I have astronomy, second hour I have graphics, third hour I have food service, forth hour I have earth science and fifth hour I have English. 


What do you do on the week-ends?

I do different stuff every week-end. This week-end we first went shopping (on Friday), then we went to Jordan’s work and talked to him and Nick a while. After that we went to Chloe’s bonfire and I met some nice people there.

On Saturday we went to Romana’s horse show. It was freezing and it rained. But I ate to huge and sooo tasty wraps and that was good. It’s also fun to see people ride western style.

On Sunday me and Tanya went to a meeting with our coordinator, Lisa, and some other exchange students. There were no one from Sweden but two from Norway. But I didn’t have time to talk to them. The meeting was mostly to help the student and the host parents to talk to each other about rules and stuff. 


What do you do after school?

After school I sometimes go to a store, or to Tanya’s work to talk to her, or to the gas station or something like that. Then we go home. Usually I and Romana get something to eat and watch TV a little while. After that we feed to horses and clean the stable. Today I painted the fence. I talk to my host mother sometimes about stuff. It depends on the day.


Show us pictures of your room!

Show us pictures of what you bought when you went shopping


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